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Brushify - Country Roads Pack

FREE Asset 4.26 4.25 Brushify - Country Roads Pack 2021-06-17

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This pack lets you add realistic country roads to your levels. The Brushify road material allows you to easily add roads to any unreal engine landscape. These also work seamlessly with other Brushify packs. The material can be applied to any unreal engine spline and has parallax mapping, soft blending with the terrain and distance LOD texture.
Props include metal barricades, roadworks sign, redirect sign and traffic cones.

Showcase Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjwT1qw7r08

As with all Brushify packs, this pack comes with the Multi-Biome Landscape Auto Material. It's an advanced auto material that lets you paint multiple biomes with ease across huge maps.

Merging packs: Brushify packs are designed to be merged. In Epic launcher, click Add to project then Overwrite files.

Tutorials: Learn how to use UE4 with Brushify Bootcamp!
Getting Started tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPR1XFOUvp4
Build a level in 1 hour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkOt1zSc1rE

More information can be found about this product at:

Technical Details​

  • 11 unique country road materials/textures for use with the UE4 spline system. Choose from asphalt (5 different variations of road patterns), gravel (4 variations) and concrete (2 variations).
  • Advanced Roads material with Parallax mapping, Soft blending and Distance LOD texture capability.
  • Includes metal barricades, road signs and traffic cones.
  • Barricades have a spline mesh blueprint
  • This pack contains a ready-made level already built using the Brushify assets.
  • Includes the Brushify Landscape Auto material that automatically textures the terrain as users paint.
  • Automaterial includes 9 Paintable Biome materials Grass, GrassDry, Desert, Dunes, Beach, Forest, ForestDry, Snow, Mud

Texture Sizes: Up to 4096x4096
PBR: Yes
LODs: Yes
Collision: Yes
All meshes include material instances and textures.
Metal Barricades + Spline Blueprint
Red/White Stripe Barricade
3 Traffic Cone variations (Orange, Yellow and Damaged)
2 Road signs (roadworks and redirect)
3 Rock Meshes
1 Grass mesh

Brushify Materials:
Contains Road Shader
Contains Landscape Auto Material (auto textures terrain, paint down multiple biomes, easy material and layer setup)
Contains Near Mesh shader (easily switch assets to different biomes: snow, desert, coast)
Contains Simple Water Shader
Contains Foliage Material
Contains Cloud Shadows Material

View Brushify Changelog
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