Blueprint video demonstrations/overviews are available in the documentation link below! (sound mix not included)
Camping and Survival Pack offers a variety of high-quality camping and survival assets and props for use in both games and real-time cinematics. These assets are authored/imported at 4K resolution to allow for both close-up shots but have been lowered in the engine for background asset use. The pack comes with survival equipment, a highly customizable tent, sleeping bags & seating, storage boxes, cooking gear and so much more!
Technical Details:
- Highly customizable walk-in tent blueprint with an enterable interior.
- Stackable controls/customization for cups, plates, bowls, and tote boxes.
- Material-based wind (tent and chairs) and a material-based rain shader.
- Emissive controls for light-based props.
- Simple emission effect on tent walls using lantern blueprint (up to 3).
- Colour tinting ability for the majority of props.
- High-quality textures - All prop textures are imported at 4k to allow for uprezing. (down-rez'd in the engine).
- Blueprints are set up to improve quality of life when placing/customizing select props.
- Flame material effect for stove/cooker.
Meshes: 64 meshes.
Collision: Yes, Custom collisions.
LODs: Yes, Automatic.
Master Materials: 4
Material Instances: 26
Textures: 61
Texture Resolutions: Imported at 4K (Down rez'd in-engine)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Documentation: Camping and Survival Documentation