- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/cg-armod-pack

Realistic assault rifle with attachments. The project contains example blueprints for assembly.
The project has been updated.
Update 01 includes a new forend, angled front grip, folding sight, and animation to hold a weapon without a front grip.
Update 02 includes a new skeletal mesh gun, in which the pistol grip, charging handle, and magazine have changed, which gave the weapon a different look from the classic one. Added a new modern buttstock. Added new weapon skin. Sounds fixed - extraneous noise has been removed.
Update 03 includes a new grenade launcher skeleton mesh, animations, and an iron sight skeleton mesh for it. Also included in the update is a new handguard, similar to a Cold War weapon.
Update 04 includes a new skeletal mesh gun that has changed the pistol grip, charging handle with interchangeable caps, and drum magazine, giving the weapon the look of a modern custom civilian gun. Added a new weapon-holding animation. Also added another version of the animation of the operational check of the weapon. Also added a new holo sight.
Update_04: https://youtu.be/7huxYIsIdJo
Update_03: https://youtu.be/m04GICkmZA8
Update_02: https://youtu.be/ay3NUE-_1l0
Update_01: https://youtu.be/piiDbJcBQrY
PREVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bknh4T70RzY Before all updates
PRESENTATION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpUhhhzXhcQ Before all updates
One customizable assault rifle has two mesh options - classic and modern weapons (four skeletal meshes: two of them are combined with magazines, and two separately), multiple holo sights, laser/flashlight,
compensator, and silencer. Due to customization, you can get different views of weapons.
In addition, there are different firing modes. You can also customize the accuracy of the weapon.
This project uses a material layering system, so you can give your weapon a different look with different patterns. You can also change only a tint.
About the fire selector behavior. Depending on the firing mode, the fire selector will behave accordingly.
It will correspond to the selected mode and will remain in it until you switch to another mode or put the weapon on safety.
Animated for the first person.
Important Note: All projects of the "CG series" are based on a common platform, but are not uniform. Each project has a specialized logic of its own one. The project was conceived not as a complete one, but as an asset pack. So that users can take animation and weapon models for themselves in a more advanced project. The blueprints for this project are configured for presentation only. But advanced developers can improve it.
How to upgrade your UE4 Project to UE5: https://dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/talks-and-demos/J5q/upgrading-your-project-to-ue5
Technical Details:
This pack consists of two skeletal meshes of weapons - one combined with a magazine, and a separate one.
Character Animation Blueprint for the basic display of Animation.
Materials and some sound setup.
Rigged: Yes
Number of Meshes: 65 ( 8 SK, and 57 SM).
Collision: Yes. Custom.
Vertex Count: 104 - 24528 vertices per mesh.
LODs: Yes.
Animations: FP character has more than 45 Animations (Fire, Aim Down Sight, Idle, Reload, Full Reload, Run, Sprint, Jump, Walk, etc.) + 6 Animations (Grenade Launcher)
The weapons have 30 Animations (Fire, Fire ADS, Reload, Full Reload, etc.)
As a bonus, the project has an animation of a frag grenade throw and an animation of a stun grenade throw.
As well as animation of weapon jamming.
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3 Material layers, 10 Master materials, 2 Post-process materials, 45 Material instances, and 49 Material instances variations.
Number of Textures: 133 textures, 13 reticles, 19 patterns.
Texture Resolutions: 3 - 4096x4096, 80 - 2048x2048, 15 - 1024x2048, 20 - 1024x1024, 6 - 512x1024, 7 - 512x512, 1 -200x200, 1 - 164x64.
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/171yLc0EgwKNjiE7NF8S8QW_K8Uc_svw-/view?usp=sharing
Important/Additional Notes: HDRIbackdrop was added for the example map, so be sure to enable support for the HDRI plugin.