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Cute Pet

FREE Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 Cute Pet 2022-10-21

No permission to download

22 Cute Animal.

9 Animations.

Idle, Walk, Run, Jump, Eat, Rest, Attack, Damage, Die

This asset will able to help you to make very cute game.

Animations Check (Unity3D It's just an example.) *This asset did not come with the script and toon shader.

Wepsite www.suriyun.com

Technical Details:

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Rigged: Yes

Rigged to Epic skeleton: No

Animated: Yes

Number of characters: 22

Vertex counts of characters: 1289 +-

Texture Resolutions: (2048 x 2048) x22 Characters , (1024 x 1024) x1 Grass.

Number of Animations: 9

Animation types : In-Place

Intended Platform: All

Platforms Tested : Windows

Documentation: No

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