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Cyberpunk NeoCity Z

PRO Asset 4.27 4.26 Cyberpunk NeoCity Z LAST VERSION

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You can create a variety of futuristic scenes with 91 different modular meshes and different materials.
Its urban background contains moving cars and camera animations in the Sequencer.

Note: Cars do not move during gameplay, they only move in Level Sequencer play.

Technical Details​

  • Built for modularity for the most flexibility in design
  • Colorizable buildings, props let you harmonize your scene
  • Volumetric clouds
  • LevelSequence
Number of Unique Meshes: 91
Collision: ( Yes/ automatically generated )
Vertex Count: 4 ~ 13,102
LODs: (Yes)
Particles: From EPIC ( UE4 StarterMap]
LUT: 1
LevelSequence: 1
Decals: 17
Blueprints: 6
Number of Materials and Material Instances: Materials 9 , Material Instances 238
Number of Textures: 619
Texture Resolutions: 256~4096
Supported Development Platforms: PC, MAC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, MAC, Linux, VR, Xbox one, Ps4

Latest reviews


Need a lot of storage for this one (5.3gb)
sussieduprizzLatest member