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Dynamic Ledge Climb System

FREE Asset Constant Updates 4.26 Dynamic Ledge Climb System 1

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The Dynamic Ledge Climb System includes a solid Climbing locomotion system ideal for your next platformer game. It includes the ability to grab and hang on to ledges, move along the ledge while hanging (yes, even on curved surfaces and around hard corners!) and to Jump off the ledge in any direction.
Turning around corners is completely dynamic and will work smoothly on any angled turn. The included animation clips do not use root motion.

NOTE: V2 will be a completely new system with a more advanced ledge detection and movement. Join the Discord server to follow on updates.

includes new wall running and wall sliding along with a few new animation updates. The character can now free hang from ledges.

v1.0.2 includes bug fixes to wall angle detection.

v1.0.3 includes IK Component animation transition fix.

Demo Video v1.0.1
Demo Video v1.0.2

Technical Details​

Features v1.0.1:
  • Ledge Grabbing, Climbing
  • Reach out in mid-air
  • Camera Relative control input while moving on Ledge
  • Completely dynamic and customizable Ledge jump system (Left/Right/Up/Back)
  • Drop down and grab Ledge
  • Wall Running
  • Wall Sliding
  • Custom Character Locomotion
  • Free hang off ledges
  • Advanced IK System

  • Space - Jump (Jump towards ledges to automatically grab them)
  • Ctrl - Release ledge
  • Hold Ctrl while running off a ledge to drop down and grab it.
  • Hold Down while hanging to Jump away from the wall
  • Press Space to Jump up to a higher ledge when you see the character look up
  • Hold Space while running towards a wall to Wall run.
  • Release Space while wall running to wall slide

Number of Blueprints: 1 Character Blueprint, 1 Animation Blueprint, 1 Blueprint Interface, 1 Blueprint Actor
Number of Animations: 70 Additional custom animations
Input: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse
Supported Development Platforms: Tested Windows, should work on any platform
Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows

Documentation: v1.0

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