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Essential Sword & Shield Animations

PRO Asset 4.26 Essential Sword & Shield Animations UPDATE 3

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Desktop Screenshot 2021.04.06 -

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Demo update 3

Update 1

Update 2

Update 3

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Update notes
Update 1/1.01 (2021-04-26)
  • 11 new animations
  • 1 blendspace
  • New weapon bones added to the rig
Update 1 hotfix 1/1.01.1 (2021-05-02)
  • Fix the issue that the shield bone is misplaced when start transition to the next animation.
Update 2/1.02 (2021-05-28)
  • 18 new animations
Update 3/1.03 (2021-09-01)
  • 22 new animations added
  • 4 animations updated
  • 2 new blendspaces added
  • Throw system added
  • Brake animations added to animation blueprint
  • Controller support added

This package includes essential animations for a character with sword & shield combat style, with a playable character blueprint. Recommended for an action RPG game.
Animation list :
  • Idle
  • 18 Attacks (root motion)
  • 4 Shield throws
  • Thrust (blendspace)
  • Walk (blendspace)
  • Jog (blendspace)
  • Brake [blendspace] [Normal/shield variations]
  • Run
  • Jump
  • 3 Fallings
  • 3 Landings (root motion)
  • Roll (blendspace, root motion)
  • Dodge (blendspace, root motion)
  • Guard / Guard Hit / Guard Break
  • Hurt (blendspace, root motion)
  • 7 Hurt variations
  • Bound (root motion)
  • Get up (root motion)
  • Die (root motion)
  • 4 Executions (root motion)
  • Turn in place (root motion)
  • 4 Equips/Unequips
  • Kneel (root motion)
  • 2 Pick up (root motion)

Technical Details​

  • Hand-crafted sword & shield combat animations
  • Movement animations including walking, jogging, running, dodging, rolling, jumping and etc.
  • Playable character with sword & shield combat based on UE Third Person template
  • Hitbox system for hurt/damage animations testing
  • Debug Vector mode for directional animation blendspaces testing
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations: 124
Animation types: Root Motion, In-place
Number of Characters: 1
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Additional Notes:
  • Not all animations are being used in the character blueprint, but they can be manually added later.
  • The character blueprint is purposefully created for animation testing only

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