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Expanded Save Game Library

FREE Plugin 5.0 Expanded Save Game Library 1.1

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Provides a list of blueprint functions for storing and retrieving values, spawning stored actors, and creating, loading, and deleting save slots. It also provides an interface for blueprint implementable events, and an entry to project settings to change project-wide settings, like the name of the .sav file, multithreading, and whether to use a single file for all slots or a different file for each slot.

Technical Details:


  • Adds a blueprint function library with nodes to make saving and loading easier
  • Adds a Project Settings entry under Plugins called Save Game Settings
  • No C++ Required: just sart adding nodes from the library to your blueprints after project settings are set
  • No additional blueprints required: no unnecessary middle-man object to run functions from
  • Less setup with more power so that you don't have to build an entire system for saved games
  • Saving can run on a separate thread so it doesn't interrupt the game
  • Structs exposed to blueprints so you can manually manage the data you need to
  • Values can be erased so tasks can be automated with arrays without worrying about edge cases
  • An interface can be added in blueprints or C++ for events such as PreSave, PostSave, PreLoad, and PostLoad

Extra Features:

  • A blueprint or C++ subclass can be made from SaveGameObject or ExpandedSaveGameLibrary to add your own variables or features
  • Save each slot in a single .sav file, or a separate .sav file for each save slot
  • LogSaveGame entries to the Output Log to make debugging easier
  • Multithreading
  • Multi-user support
  • Works with UE5 Early Access & Preview 1

Core Modules: SaveGameLibrary(Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 13

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64



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