- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/fluidninja-live
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Welcome to NinjaLive 1.3: real-time 2D fluid simulation for PC and Mobile app developers, inside Unreal.
For baking fluid simulation, see: FluidNinja VFX Tools
Key features
- Ready for Cinematic Rendering via UE 4.26 MovieRenderQueue
- Ready to drive Volumetric Clouds, Fog and Niagara Systems
- Autonomous: following a three step setup, responsive fluid simulation Actors could be placed on level
- Embeddable: fluid sim Actor Component could be added to user defined classes, pawns, vehicles
- Scalable: could be optimized for average mobile devices - or run a 4k simulation container
- Simulation buffers (density, velocity, pressure) exposed as RenderTargets
- Static and Dynamic mesh position, size and velocity
- Skeletal Mesh Bone & Socket position, size and velocity
- Texture and Material based density, velocity
- SceneCaptureCamera and Streaming video based density
- User gestures via mouse and touchscreen
Technical Details
- Sim variables accessible by Blueprints and Sequencer
- Preset based simulation management
- User editable sim-output Materials
- Sim velocity driven Detail Maps
- LOD, Proximity based Sleep/Wake, Memory Pooling
- 29 demo levels providing usage examples
- Manual, Tutorial videos and annotated blueprints
- Tested under UE5 EarlyAccess1
Level & game design
- Live is supporting a design approach with multiple, local fluidsim containers for character and area effects
- Live is not a robust "whole world system" - it is designed for a multitude of dispersed, local interactions
- NinjaLive is a compact Unreal Project - its feature set could be utilized in games by merging
- It is based on standard Unreal assets (Blueprints, Materials)
- Live does not rely on Niagara - but could be used to drive Niagara
- Does not contain C++ code, pre-compiled elements, or third party content
- Cooking, compiling and packaging is tested for Windows PC, Apple, iOS and Android Mobile