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Force Shields

FREE Asset 4.26 Force Shields LAST VERSION

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Update! New Effects: Hit and Refraction

This package consists of 2 groups of force shield materials, basic and advanced. Each force shield is customizable through multiple parameters to match your desired effect.
Two levels separated into showcase rooms display all of the potential effects and parameters.

Video Preview:
Hit Effect -
Basic - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAu8oo5vrZc
Advanced -

Check out my other packs:
- 4-pack Bundle (four of my graphical packs)

- Material Function Collection
- Modular Magic Circles
- Prototype Grid Material
- First-Person Platformer Template

Technical Details​

  • 3x Blueprint (Hit Force Field + Interface)
  • 1x Basic Master Material
  • 1x Advanced Master Material
  • 1x Hit Material
  • 2x Showcase Maps
  • 3x Material Functions
  • 15x Textures
  • 40x Parameters to customize
  • 66x Example Materials

Material Features:
  • Hit Effect (+)
  • Emissive Power
  • Edge Fade Out (+)
  • Material Color (main + edge)
  • Surface Shake
  • Noise Pattern (+)
  • Noise Pulse (+)
  • Scanline (+)
  • Refraction

Functions with “(+)” incorporate multiple parameters within the function itself

Texture Resolutions:
  • 2048x2048
  • 1024x1024
  • 512x512

Number of Materials: 66*
Number of Textures: 15
Supported Development Platforms: Desktop, Console, VR

*Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation

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