Quick video snippet:
Multi purpose, minimalistic, animated UI with animated widgets and materials.
Simple to use drag&drop modular widget animations will help you to make animated menus in few minutes.
Hints widget with random message loaded from Data Table is elegant solution to display game tutorials to your players.
Commented Widget Blueprints composed in template with easy to understand function names and events.
Demo and basic tutorial:
Technical Details
Features:- Premade main menu template
- Drag&Drop modular animations
- Hints loaded from Data Table, easy to add
- Animated materials
Number of Materials: 43
Number of Textures: 26
Number of Widgets: 49
Number of Sounds/Cues: 2/4
Number of Fonts: 3
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows 32-bit/64-bit, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Steam VR, Oculus