Blueprint Overview
Stylized Animated Blood Decals
Semi-Permanent Blood Particles
Zombie Collection
Is your game lacking that extra oomph? Animate your blood decals and make each decal count with flipbook decals and a custom decal blueprint actor.
This asset provides you with 15 animated blood decals for your project. The source files are included. The original images are 1024x1024 and packed into an 8k flipbook. This is scaled down to 4k inside the engine.
You will get:
- 3 Blood Pool Flipbook decals
- 6 Single Droplet/Small Splatter Flipbook decals
- 6 Large Splatter Flipbook decals
Technical Details
Each flipbook has frames and a custom blueprint decal class. This blueprint gives you special control over the decals allowing you to:- Spawn animated decals with a custom update and frame rate
- "Splash time", using this float you can dynamically increase the speed of the initial frames of the flipbook, giving you separate control over the splash and trickle effects respectively
- "Dry" option, enabling this boolean allows you to control how fast the blood dries out, becoming rougher and less metallic over time
- Fade-out functionality, fading the decal out before finally destroying it
- Optimized - No OnTick code and automated self-cleanup
Number of Blueprints: 1 custom blueprint decal actor
Number of Materials: 2 Master, 30 Instances
Number of Textures: 30 Masks, 30 Normals maps
Texture Resolutions: 8k source files included, 4k inside the engine, 512x512 for small single decals