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Hockey stadium

PREMIUM Asset 5.1 5.0 4.27 Hockey stadium 2022-11-16

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Ice hockey stadium with modular stands and the possibility of changing colors and textures in materials.

Work with instance materials -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOLQbvo2D-w

Walk through Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56Cxs1kHouI

Technical Details:


  • changing the colors of the seats stands
  • modular stands
  • creating any hockey arena

Texture Size : 128 - 4096

Collision: Yes, - custom and automatically generated

Tris Count all scene: 1. 279.995

LODs: No

Number of Meshes: 84 meshes

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

12 - materials decals

34 - MM

48 - MI

Number of Textures: 150 textures.

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