- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/icon-generator
This asset allows you to quickly create icons for your assets, whether they are static meshes, skeletal meshes or blueprint actors. These icons can have a transparent background, solid color, or a texture. Square or custom size. 100% made in blueprints.
Preview video: Youtube
Demo: Google Drive (executable)
Documentation: YouTube - How to use
Tutorials playlist: Youtube
Assets can be loaded in the following ways:
- Via data tables, where you add assets manually;
- Via specific folders, where you choose the folders which the assets should be searched.
- Via auto search, where all the assets of your project (static meshes and skeletal meshes) are loaded automatically.
You can adjust parameters such as camera position, item rotation, output folder, background, post process, light, etc. (check the images above, the preview video or the documentation for more information).
- Create icons for static meshes
- Create icons for skeletal meshes
- Create icons for blueprints (like blueprints with particles)
- Adjust the background: scale, transparency, color, texture
- Adjust the post process while editing
- Export icons in different formats (you can choose the folder)
- Automatically import icons to the project (works only for power of two textures, like 16px, 32px, 64px etc.)
- Control skeletal mesh animations to make icons from it
- Export icons for all the meshes via bulk export.
(All with or without transparent background)
Technical Details:
Number of Blueprints:
- 2 Blueprints
- 12 Widget Blueprints
- 4 Data Tables (optional usage)
- 3 Enumerations
- 22 Textures
- 1 Map
- 18 Materials (12 Material instances and 6 Materials)
- 1 Render Target
- 1 Save Game
- 6 Structs
- +Demo folder that contains some assets from epic's starter content.
*All the icons (keyboard icons and tab icons) were made by me.
Input: Mouse and keyboard
- W, A, S and D to move the camera
- X to create the icon
- R to reset the camera position
- T to reset the object rotation
- Mouse left button to rotate the object
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Documentation: YouTube - How to use