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LE Http Request

FREE Plugin 4.26 LE Http Request 4.26.0 r1

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Preview: youtube.com/watch?v=FQLERTI7Zf4

The Http Request plugin provides you with Blueprints to make HTTP requests.

PS: you can convert bytes to and from string (and more) with the LE Extended Standard Library plugin (which is free)

Technical Details​

Number of Blueprints: 20+ (can change over time)

List of Features:
• HTTP requests

More features or algorithms might be added later if there is a need for it.

Intended Platform: All
Platforms Tested: Windows, Mac and Linux (bugs found on any platform will be fixed)
Documentation Included: Each Blueprint node has a small and meaningful description, which can be viewed in the editor directly.
Important\Additional Notes:
• This plugin only uses UE4 C++ code, no other C++ libraries or 3rd party solutions are being used. This ensures maximum stability and compatibility.

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