- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/level-transition-system

The "LEVEL TRANSITION SYSTEM" is a system to display an animated Level Transition and/or important information between your levels. The objects in the background rotate and are completely customizable!
The new files added in the update have been placed in a separate folder. This way it is possible to access both the old version and the new version of the product.
Animation / Pose not included!
Preview: Video
Implementation: Video
This asset is easy to use and editable.
- 3 Maps
- 2 Widgets
- 1 Gamemode
- 4 Blueprints
Added in the last Update:
- New Blueprint (TransitionManager_BP)
- Added more options to Edit the Transition
- Setting Player Spawnpoint in LoadLevel
- Setting multiple Spawnpoints in LoadLevel (Randomly choosen when spawned)
- Changing the Transition Duration in Details Panel
- Changing the Header and Info Text in Details Panel (Randomly choosen in Widget)
- New Implementation Video online (HERE)
- Start Level: The level from where the Transition is entered.
- Load Level: The level where the Transition takes place.
- To be Loaded Level: The level you load and where the transition ends.
Technical Details:
- 1 Level Transition
- 1 Fade Animation Widget
- UE4 Standard Font
- 3 Maps (With Level Blueprints)
- 6 Blueprint Actor
- 1 Gamemode
Number of Blueprints: 6 Blueprints + 2 Level Blueprints
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Not tested)
Documentation: PDF
Important/Additional Notes: I want to mention that this is not a real loading screen. It is just a level that is loaded between two other levels! A "Level transition".