LGUI (Lex GUI) - Powerful Component based 3D UI System, Event Framework, Prefab Workflow, Tween Animation.
Component based UI creation workflow!
Next version released ---- LGUI3
(CAUTION) LGUI3 is not fully compatible with LGUI2, follow this video to upgrade your project to LGUI3: Youtube Bilibili , but I can't guarantee this convertion is good for every project.UE5 support is in progress: Youtube Bilibili
Changes in LGUI3:
- Coornidate system: from Unity-like (x-right, y-up, z-forward) to UE-like (x-forward, y-right, z-up) coordinate system.
- Color property: UIItem.Widget.Color moved to UIBaseRenderable.Color.
- UICanvasGroup: Handle children UI element's opacity and interactable.
- Anchor system: LGUI3 use AnchorMin/AnchorMax/AnchoredPosition/SizeDelta anchor system, just like Unity's, clean and predictable.
- Name redirect: eg. LGUIDrawableEvent to LGUIEventDelegate, AwakeBP to ReceiveAwake, StartBP to ReceiveStart, XXXBP to ReceiveXXX. Blueprint can automatic convert with no extral work, C++ can check LGUI/Config/DefaultLGUI.ini to see all these changes.
- Use hierarchy order for UI element's render order, no noring "Depth" property anymore.
- Prefab workflow upgrade: Standalone prefab editor, support nested prefab, support property redirect, faster load speed.
CarCustomization Project: Youtube Bilibili Download from Github
3D Menu: Video
"The Division" like UI: Video
Tutorial Project
Trail Version download(Editor Only)
Here is a HTC Vive VR project: Video 1 Video 2
Another project: Video
All UI of these video is made of LGUI, none UMG or Slate.
Niagara LGUI Renderer: github
Use TexturePacker with LGUI: github
Use BitmapFontGenerator with LGUI: github
Technical Details
Features:- Full source code
- Create UI directly inside level editor
- 3D UI in world and screen space
- Dynamic font
- Dynamic atlas packing
- Full editor integration
- Full Blueprint support
- Horizontal/ Vertical/ Grid Layout control
- Component based workflow
- Flexible event system
- Customizable event
- Use prefab to store UI as asset, and restore it at runtime or editor
- Tween animation system for UI and UE4’s build-in objects, and extensible for custom objects
- Rich Text
- UIEffect(Shadow, LongShadow, Outline, GradientColor)
- Text Animation
- SpecialEffects(BackgroundBlur, BackgroundPixelate)
- LGUI (Runtime)
- LGUIEditor (Editor)
- LTween (Runtime)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Support EMail: [email protected]
Example Project
Support Forum
Tutorial Channel
技术交流QQ群: 537144721