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Low Entry Socket Connection

PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 $8 Low Entry Socket Connection 3.5

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Preview: youtube.com/watch?v=wKhJy51V9CY

The Socket Connection plugin provides you with Blueprints to connect to and interact with socket servers.

The most important feature of this plugin is that this plugin has been designed to be used in conjunction with a server programmed in Java, like an account server or a match making server for example.
To make this possible, the network algorithm has also been programmed in a Java library, which has been made free and open source.
The Java library is available here.

PS: you can convert bytes to and from string (and more) with the LE Extended Standard Library plugin (which is free)

Technical Details​

Number of Blueprints: 10+ (can change over time)

• Connecting to a server
• Two different networking options: the [LowEntry network protocol] and the [Raw TCP/UDP network protocol]

With the LowEntry network protocol (requires you to use the Java library server-side) you can:
• Send and receive messages (TCP, and optionally also UDP)
• Send function calls and receive the result
• Send latent function calls, cancel latent function calls, and receive the result
• Enable/disable automatic connection validations (pings)

With the Raw TCP/UDP network protocol (makes it possible for you to implement your own network protocol) you can:
• Send and receive messages (TCP, and optionally also UDP)

PS: It is advised to use the LowEntry network protocol unless you are experienced in network programming!

Intended Platform: All
Platforms Tested: Windows, Mac, Linux and HTML5 (bugs found on any platform will be fixed)
Documentation Included: Each Blueprint node has a meaningful and in-depth description, which can be viewed in the editor directly.
Important\Additional Notes:
• This plugin only uses UE4 C++ code, no other 3rd party solutions are being used. This ensures maximum stability and compatibility.

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