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Male Realistic Character Pack 01

FREE Asset 4.26 Male Realistic Character Pack 01 LAST VERSION

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Video: In-game
Video: Character Blueprint Customization

A set of male action hero meshes that are rigged to the epic skeleton.

1x Henley Upper Clothing
1x Tanktop Upper Clothing (holsted and unholstered for use with the holster)
1x Jeans Lower Clothing (boots incl.)
1x Holster (fixes on right hip via the belt)
1x Tactical Vest
2x Heads
2x Hairstyles
1x Full Torso with arms
1x Forearms
1x Long arm for sleeveless tops
1x Chest for low crop tops
1x Bicep arm for shortsleeve tops

Each clothing and equipment part comes with unique materials and textures to add variety in color.
Facial morph targets are not supported yet.
LODs can be generated, but are not supported yet whilst we wait for 4.25 (can't seem to save screensize custom settings at the moment on 4.24).

There are different ways to use the parts as documented by Unreal - https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Engine/Animation/WorkingwithModularCharacters/index.html If you prefer not to dive straight in and use the blueprints to customize the characters there is 12 prebuilt characters. In the videos I am customizing the ThirdPersonPlayerBP and swapping the mannequin for a head, then using the green Add Component button to add skeletal meshes to the head, and then changing the mesh and materials where needed. Anim class and anim mode need to match.

Technical Details​

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
  • Rigged customizable character parts that can form whole bodied characters.
  • Tintable materials with an option for detail or dirt masks on the clothes
Rigged: (Yes/No) Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes/No) Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: (Yes/No) Yes
Animated: (Yes/No) Yes
Number of Animations: 8 (Default Mannequin)
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): 1
Number of characters: 13 Unique Meshes (Can Be Assembled To Create A Dozen Different Characters)
Vertex counts of characters: Full bodied characters in the range of 45-63k. Individual parts range from 900tris to 13000 tris.
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 48
Number of Textures: 66
Texture Resolutions: (Please list all various texture resolutions) 512*, 1024*, 2048*, 4096*, 4096x2048, 1600 x1600)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes/No) Yes
Mac: (Yes/No) Yes

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