- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/medieval-archery

Medieval scene located in some sort of archery house. It includes about 70 unique props mostly for interior. These props can be used in fantasy or realistic history style games. The pack also contains 5 types of common bows, crossbow, arrows (8 types of arrowheads) and bolts. Throwable weapons are also available (6 types). Some props have components which are ready for animation.
Added Unreal Engine 5 support!
Changelog v.1.2:
- Added handmade optimized collisions
- All assets renamed using Epic Games asset naming rules
- Materials now have RGB masks for AO, Roughness, Metallic
- Added Material Instances for better performance
Technical Details:
Texture Size: Varied (up to 2048)
Collision: Yes (Handmade)
Vertex Count: Varied (from 60 to 9000 triangles)
LODs: Yes (2-4 per mesh)
Number of Meshes: 103
Number of Materials: 17
Number of Materials Instances: 31
Number of Textures: 125