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Micro Benchmark - Profiler Tool for Blueprint and Code Performance Timing

FREE Plugin 5.0 4.27 Micro Benchmark - Profiler Tool for Blueprint and Code Performance Timing 2022-10-17

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Have you ever looked at a few lines of your code or a block of Blueprint nodes and asked yourself: "I wonder how long this block takes?" Well, wonder no more -- measure it!

With MicroBenchmark, call Tic (in Blueprints or C++) before the block in question and Toc directly after. You instantly get a timing profile of the execution time with nanosecond accuracy. Optimize your code by comparing different implementations, find out if native C++ code is faster compared to pure Blueprints, identify bottlenecks and get a better understanding of your code's performance.

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  • v1.1 (2022-07-10): Fixed bug in seconds display
  • v1.0 (2022-04-29): Initial release

Technical Details:


  • Easy measuring of C++ or Blueprint execution time
  • Supports averaging results over many calls to suppress noise / outliers
  • Plug and Play, with no setup
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • All C++ code is fully documented and source-open

Code Modules:

  • MicroBenchmarkTimer (Runtime)

Number of Blueprints: 1

Number of C++ Classes: 3

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

Documentation: https://maschere.github.io/asset-documentation/micro-benchmark

Example Project: Demo Blueprint actor included in plugin content folder.

Important/Additional Notes: The plugin automatically disables any performance measurement code in Shipping builds.

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