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Mini Games 4

FREE Asset 4.27 Mini Games 4 2022-10-15

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Executable Demo (Win64)


5 pcs of adjustable mini games with easy integration in to any game project.

Mini Games is suitable for using for core game mechanics and help you to create interactive events like Door Unlockers, Reactor plasma power management, Security Pad Locks, DNA Decoding, Switchers, etc...

You can customize color scheme as you need - all colors are adjustable, except hull texture.

Mini Games series:

Mini Games 1

Mini Games 2

Mini Games 3

Mini Games 4 list:

Plasma Flow

3d Key Access

Wave Decoder

DNA Decryptor

Pad Lock

Technical Details:


  • 5 Mini Games with runtime variation.
  • Rendered within material to the plane.
  • Color scheme customization.
  • Adjustable parameters.

Number of Blueprints: 6

Input: Keyboard, gamepad

Network Replicated: (Yes/No): No

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lULjldSTm3A2y9uHc3lyllckWz_qtcCc2xHp9qMHFhg/edit?usp=sharing

Number of Materials: 8

Number of Material Instances: 7

Number of Material Functions: 6

Number of Static Meshes: 3

Number of Triangles: 24-3826

Number of Vertices: 26-7181

Number of Textures: 29

Texture size: 512x512, 1024x128, 1024x1024, 2048x2048

Number of Sounds: 1

Number of Sound Cues: 1

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