An apartment kitchen with fully functioning cabinets, drawers, and a tonne of props.
Countertop units measure 60cm in width, 90cm in height.
All cabinets open with pivot points at the hinges. The oven, microwave, and fridge also open out and the drawers can be moved. You can even change the hands on the clock.
Technical Details
- Cabinets are 60cm width, Height 90cm. Ideal for snapping together and duplicating across.
- Make a full kitchen in minutes.
- 100+ props and cabinets
Collision: automatically generated
Vertex Count:
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 64
Number of Textures: 233
Texture Resolutions: 4096 - 2048 - 1024 - 512
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
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