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With this customizable, flexible and advanced inventory system, you can easily add as many items as you want. In addition, it contains a complex crafting system. You can also use this inventory as a starter kit for your next game. If you are still unsure download the Demo.
- Easily add new items with an Item Table
- Integration into your project in a few minutes
- Item info when hovering
- Stacks in a defined size
- Swap items of different IDs
- Split items in half with LeftShift + Drag
- Drop system
- Pick up when you focus an item
- Pick up from the ground (items that are near the player): Slider to pick up a part
- Pick up with the Auto Pick up Mode
- Hotbar: show items in the hand of the player if the slot is selected
- Equip with Drag and Drop or with the RightClickMenu
- Add as many slots as you like
- Advanced crafting system with categories, a search and a queue
- Replicated chest system: custom slot amount and starting items (random sorting, probability that an item appears)
- Save, Load inventory slots/chests
- Consume items and durability for items
Technical Details
Documentation.New Features in v 1.6
- Shops
- Player to Player trading
- dismantling
New Features in v 1.5
- Campfire (easy o change amount of cooking/fuel/content slots)
- Backpack (set slot amount in ItemTable)
- Simple Third Person Shooter to show how it's connected with the inventory + weapon info & ammo system
- Lootboxes: hold a key to open -> drops items or adds them directly to the inventory
- a few bug fixes (ask me for details)
- and other small adjustments
Network Replicated: Yes
Number of Widget Blueprints: 29
Number of Blueprints: 19
Static Meshes: 14
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, HTML5
Support E-mail: [email protected]
version: v 1.6