This pack tries to make your life easier when you start your own Sci-Fi project, with all effects you need for the beginning of your development and prototyping.
Type of VFX: Laser, Portal, Gates, EMP, Black hole, Hologram, Blood, Environment, Explosion, Impact, Smoke, Steam, Sparks, MuzzleFlash, Shoot, Tornado, Lightning, Dust, Electric.
The pack includes:
- Number of Unique Effects: 80
- Number of Materials: 97
- Number of Textures: 81
- Number of Blueprints: 1
- Number of Unique Meshes: 14
Other assets:
- Niagara Realistic Starter VFX Pack
- Realistic Starter VFX Pack (Cascade)
- Realistic Starter VFX Pack v2 (Cascade)
- Destructible Props (Cascade)
- Lizardman Shaman
- LizardMan Pack
Technical Details:
List of every effect:
- Blood (4)
- Environment (12) / Falling Dust, Fog, Electric Gates, Holograms, Primitives, Lightning Tornado, Lightning
- Explosion (10) / Big, C4, Black hole, Electric, EMP, Grenade, , Rocket, Sand, Small
- Laser (4)
- Impact (12) / Blood, Default, Electric, Glass, Laser, Metal, Plastic, Wood, , Rock, Sand, Wood, Mesh
- MuzzleFlash (4)
- Portal (5)
- Shield (6)
- Shoot (3)
- Smoke and Steam (10)
- Sparks (10) / Embers
Number of Vertex Animation (VAT) Meshes: 5
Number of FlipBooks (Spriteheets): 33
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: No
Additional Notes:
For editing particle effects, you need to know the basics of Niagara System UE4.
Effects are made in Niagara!
Knowing issues in Niagara System:
Niagara Vector Field CPU access Error prevents its use in projects / Just use Curl Noise, not Vector Fields.