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Niagara Toon Projectiles 2

PRO Asset 4.26 Niagara Toon Projectiles 2 LAST VERSION

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The asset includes:
  • 15 unique Niagara projectiles
  • 15 unique hit effects
  • 15 flash effects
  • Demo scene shooting blueprint, but each projectile is a separate child-blueprint that works on its own.

  • Highly optimized
  • Easy scale control
  • Demo scene shooting blueprint
  • Each projectile is a separate child-blueprint that works on its own.
  • Projectiles only work on the move because they spawn particles based on distance!

Scaling Tutorial

Another package with projectiles:
Niagara Toon Projectiles
Niagara Projectiles Vol.1
Niagara Projectiles Vol.2

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Technical Details​

Features: 15 high-quality projectiles with hit and flash effects made in Niagara.

Type of Emitters
: CPU | GPU | Ribbon | Mesh Emitters
Number of Unique Effects: 45
LODs: No
Number of Blueprints: 17
Number of Textures: 83
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 74
Number of Material Functions: 1
Number of models: 8
Supported Development Platforms: PC | Mobiles | Consoles | VR | WEB

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