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Nimbus Cloud Flying Mount

PRO Asset 4.26 Nimbus Cloud Flying Mount LAST VERSION

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Want to mount a Flying Cloud? Now is your time!
This mount allows you to spawn a Flying Cloud and mount it in a really smooth behavior!
Watch the video here
TRY the demo here
Want to use a custom character? Watch this tutorial here

Technical Details​

  • Mount. Dismount system
  • Beautiful Cloud made in Niagara
  • Customize the Cloud like the colors or trails to have something unique
  • 100% Blueprints
  • Easy retarget to any character
Number of Blueprints: 4
Number of Animations: 4
Number of Materials: 4 Materials, 5 Material Instance
Number of VFX: 5 Niagara Emitters, 4 Niagara Systems
Number of Textures: 6 (Ranging from 256x256 px to 2048x2048 px)
Input: Keyboard / Gamepad
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Mobile: No
Documentation: None
Important/Additional Notes: None
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