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PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.4 $15 Oceanology v5.7.0

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  1. Changelog: Oceanology 5.5.0 Stable version @everyone (modifié)

  2. [11:23]
    • live-reload performance improvements
    • experimental niagara waves for future "water objects" system
    • improved lake presets
    • game time foam flow fixes - now simulation of waves affect foam flow
    • SDF system fixes
    • surface scattering changes
    • normal improvements
    • SDF quality changes
    • Gerstner Waves Summarize HLSL
  1. Changelog: Oceanology 5.1.9
    • Preset system now has 2 mode: use the preset directly (previous behaviour, no value change in actor panel allowed) OR apply the preset (new behaviour, preset values applied to actor panel, you can have individual changes)
    • BubbleSettings added to the presets now
    • new WaveSolver system was added: Runtime wave manipulation is now supported - there is a demo map to present this behaviour with a Blueprint on a quick actor timeline
    • lerping between Oceanology structs and presets is now possible - this is also presented in the runtime wave manipulation map
    • InfiniteComponent was reworked - you can configure separately to use it in editor/game, or globally disable it, a follow update interval was added you can configure a delay now - additional "Force Follow" button was added to actor panels
    • the bubbles niagara component of the ocean was fixed which caused huge FPS drop while moving through World Partition regions first time while actor relocation

* The whole code base has been rewritten in C++
* There are now 2 wrapper Blueprint classes (for user demonstration purposes) called BP_OceanologyInfiniteOcean and BP_OceanologyLake - they are child classes of their C++ parents
* The "Project Settings -> Oceanology Plugin" section has been greatly expanded. These are the FACTORY DEFAULT options. Can be modified by users, and can be restored to original as well
* Water logic sharing implemented via "Water Parent" class so Buoyancy and Swimming will now work in both Ocean & Lake
* There is an option to control Ocean Time, the default is "Server Time for Replication", the "Local Time" will turn OFF the replication support of the Waves
* Global Wave Direction configuration has been implemented
* Ocean is child of Water Parent
* Lake is child of Water Parent
* Both Ocean and Lake are replicated actors
* New Buoyancy system in C++ with replication through replicated Waves
* New Swimming system in C++
* New Audio system rewritten in C++
* The logic written in C++ does not need to be modified by the user, there are several options to fine-tune them to taste
* Both Ocean and Lake supports underwater bubbles effect now (Bubble Color can be configured, Bubble Niagara Effect can be swapped)
* Water Parent debug options has been added
* Lake Ground Caustics has been reworked
* The QuadTree options has been improved, meshes can be configured via the component or Project Settings
* The Material (as base of Material Instance Dynamics) can be configured via Actor Panel options now to override factory defaults
* The InfiniteComponent can now be turned OFF and ON via a checkbox
* We recommend users to make a local copy of BP_OceanologyInfiniteOcean and BP_OceanologyLake to their own game's Content directory such as BP_MyInfiniteOcean and BP_MyLake
* We recommend users to make a local copy of BP_OceanWaveAudio to their own game's Content directory such as BP_MyOceanWaveAudio
* The new version is a total rewrite, so migration guide will be placed in the documentation section as soon as possible, but we do recommend making a BACKUP before upgrade
Update version v5.1.5 + docs
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