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Palms Tree All Selection

PRO Asset 4.27 Palms Tree All Selection 2022-05-02

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UE5 in under review and acceptance process.

This pack uses Lumen lighting at the demo level.

This pack is a complete compilation of Palms tree from the "Palms Tree selection" series of packs created on this channel. It contains the following.
- Palms Tree Selection and Plants / Flowers. .Palms tree only, the rest of the foliage is not included.This is included in "Marmudella House mega pack"
- Palms Tree Selection 2. This is included in "Marmudella House mega pack".
- Beach and Coast Environment. Palms tree only, does not include the rest of the pack components. This is included in "Open Worlds pack"
- 4 variations are added that are found in this pack only.

This pack is intended for those who only want palms tree exclusively and who have not previously purchased any of the packs that belong to and form this pack.
If you have already purchased a pack of palm trees and want this new pack, please contact me.
If you just need a complete, high-detail Palms Tree repertoire, this is the pack for you. Ask me and find out what exactly interests you if you have any questions.

Selection of different types of palm trees made with photogrammetry and various techniques with a perfect optimization for games and arch-viz (number of adequate and correct textures, count of vertices and triangles provided and optimal).

The assembly that you see in the images is included but does not influence the quality of the pack because it is only as a presentation.

Technical Details​

  • Wind with custom animation per vertex color.
  • High-resolution scanned textures
  • Photogrammetry used in all trunks
  • Tint Color, Saturation, contrast, roughness and SSS for customization and adaptation to any scene. Darken, highlight or color the leaves or trunk as needed.
  • Use Billboards in much models if is neccesary.
  • Coconut, Washington, Phoenix and variations types palms tree.
  • Optimal triangle count for videogames and arch-viz
  • Only 3 Material instances per mesh, considerably reducing unnecessary processes. A material corresponds to the Billboard

Meshes: 29
Collision: Yes custom
Vertex Count: 3.109 to 49.379 triangles
LODs: yes, 3 to 5, include Billboards
Materials: 5
Material Instances: 34
Textures: 58
Texture Resolutions:
4096 x 4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Important/Additional Notes: [email protected]
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