Fly Electric System Video Link
The Parameterized Parkour system is an efficient actor component that calculates the distance and dimensions of the obstacle, if the character can use the hands, and which one, and if there is another obstacle after.
The blueprint is commented and it is possible to adapt/branch as needed, in addition to adding other animations.
The system has a code to climb parameters and another code to vault parameters. Is an open and easy blueprint that you can change whatever your need and want.
Technical Details:
- Actor component Blueprint
- Niagara System with mesh
- 1 Vault Animation - Left Hand
- 1 Vault Animation - Right Hand
- 1 Vault Animation - Both Hands
- 1 Vault Animation - No Hands
- 1 Climb Animation - Both Hands
Number of Blueprints: 1
Input: "F" (keyboard) activate the vault
Input: "C" (keyboard) activate the climb
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Documentation: The video is a tutorial and the blueprint has some comments.
Important/Additional Notes: No