Last Bastion, the final place for mankind to find purpose after the world collapsed after a viral outbreak.
The scene comes with 4 different scenes including (Day, night, Compact, and Asset preview scene) and over 150 assets to breakdown or construct your own things with.
Preview of the assetpackage
All the different sets of pipes can be adjusted on the fly through use of material instances and give you quick iteration options for your own scenes.
Shader Preview
Additional Information:
This package includes the full Industrial Pipe Package seen here, so there is no need to buy the pipes as seperate additional assets.
Technical Details
Features:- 150+ assets
- PBR Materials
- Advanced Pipe Shader, quick iteration
- Mixture of Dynamic and Static lighting
- LODs for models
- Includes multiple variations of preview scenes for lighting breakdown
- Includes the full Industrial Pipes Package bundle
Texture Sizes:
- 4k (10)
- 2k (83)
- 2k x 1k (6)
- 1k (4)
- 1k x 512 (10)
Collision: Yes, auto generated
Vertex Count: 300 - 4000
LODs: Yes, auto generated
Number of Meshes: 158
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 47
Number of Textures: 117
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows