- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/rounded-animated-button

Video (demonstration + tutorial)
This plugin allows you to easily create and customize buttons and borders with rounded corners in the UMG editor. Two widgets are included in this plugin, a RoundedAnimatedButton that has 4 states (Normal, Hovered, Pressed, and Disabled) and a RoundedBorder with only one state.
Each state of the widgets is fully customizable so you can create an infinite number of different buttons and borders. In each state, you can customize:
- [Button only] RGBA color of the child content (can be an image or a text).
- Border width
- Outer RGBA color
- Outer corner radius (each corner is independent and you can adjust the SmoothingRate to create a gradient, a shadow, or just an anti-aliasing)
- Inner RGBA color
- Inner corner radius (same properties than outer corner radius)
Additionally, for the RoundedAnimatedButton, a transition animation is automatically generated between the Normal and the Hovered state, so you can customize the animation duration.
The RoundedAnimatedButton extends the basic UMG Button, so all features of the basic UMG button are available in the RoundedAnimatedButton (like add sounds, etc.). Same for RoundedBorder and basic UMG Border. They are really quick and easy to add to your own game and can be used in UMG/Blueprints as well as C++. The project example presented in the video contains several Blueprint examples.
Example Project: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=18N5Ryd7XUdhFXLRG3O_v4qIP4pTgF_uH
Please, join the Discord community for help, bugs, or suggestions: https://discord.gg/W5cRk5Q
Technical Details:
- RoundedAnimatedButton widget
- RoundedBorder widget
- Easy installation/utilization
- Customizable
- Compatible with C++ and Blueprints
Number of Blueprints: 2
Number of C++ Classes: 3
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux, HTML5 (probably works on consoles too)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux, HTML5 (probably works on consoles too)
Documentation: See the video or the ExampleInterface Blueprints in the example project.