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Russian Rocket Launch / Modular Environment

PAID Asset 5.0 4.27 4.26 $8 Russian Rocket Launch / Modular Environment 2022-10-17

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HighresScreenshot000000016Layer 0-1920x1080-0e3490f23f29e1667fa1170299108e5b.jpg

This is an environment package made in a stylized PBR pipeline, well suited for both AAA quality projects and projects with a focus on optimization and performance.

To get assets made in a similar style, feel free to visit the

Pack Dev Market Page

Technical Details:

Features included:

-Meshes (Props & Environment)

  • 41 meshes total

-Textures ( 1K - 4K )

  • Number of Textures: 115
  • All textures are custom-made

-Number of Materials: 51

  • 17 base materials
  • 34 base material instances

-Demo Scene with setup lighting and example layout for the environment

-Demo Layout scene

-Direct support from the dev

-Collision: Yes

-LODs: No

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the asset, need help with the package or just want to know more.

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