12.12.2022 - Nanite and lumen in preparation. Be aware that for now, you have 5.1 support with the standard pipeline.
Flythrough: https://youtu.be/zGXnvqASEyc (before update 1)
Walkthrough: https://youtu.be/7LlKXOHYqEU (before update 1)
UPDATE 1: https://youtu.be/GtW1y98K1F8
Urban Abandoned District buildings in the middle of the Old Town. This time outdoor and indoors. Scene contains highly detailed objects like modular elevations, modular garage assets, tile scanned textures, car, pipes, and many more. Most assets were built based on photogrammetry technique and properly optimized and hand-tweaked to work in real-time scenes on UE4. Two lighting setup day and night. With our FPP pawn, You can at runtime change lighting scenario, turn flashlight, or change view TPP/FTP/TopDown to test Your favorite game type.
Compared to our previous package, we leave a higher tex resolution. We know many of you use our scenes in projects where this is important. If you have a lower memory limit, please contact us. Additionally, we add options to change graphics settings in runtime mode by pressing 5/6/7 (Low/High/Ultra).
- 40 meshes for new buildings modular set
- 6 PreBuildings Blueprints
- new open district on the main map
-add detail maps to base materials
-fixes for UE5
Check our other products here based on scans: MARKET UE4
This pack includes a mannequin by Epic Games for presentation. To work properly use the default TPP project or bind-key. If any problem please write to us at [email protected].
FAQ: link
Technical Details:
- Big(3x Abandoned Factory) demo scene with two lighting setup and overview map
- With our pawn shortcuts - (1/2 - day/night, 5/6/7 - graphic low/high/ultra, F - flashlight, C - switch TPP/FTP, T - topdown view)
- Now interiors possibility
- Almost all materials are instances from base materials (Base, Tile, Translucent, Vertex Paint, Masks, Tessellation, Decal)
- Footsteps on mud and puddle landscape textures
- 3 sets of fences
- Tile photogrammetry textures 4k
- Pre-buildings sets and big halls (6)
- Garage modular set
- OldWorkshop
- Sounds (3)
- Pipes modular set
- Signs (12)
- Doors (6)
- Graffiti decals (3)
- Barrels (2 with variations)
- Cable simple blueprint to connect poles with sockets
- Simple foliage (5 with variations)
and many more
Number of Meshes: 354
Collision: Yes, custom and automatically generated
Vertex Count: 100-5000 tris most of the objects and up to 75 955 for merge of two buildings
LODs: Yes, auto-generated
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 282
Number of Textures: 431
Texture Resolutions:
- 4096 for larger objects
- 2048-4096 most props
- 512-1024 small props
- Terrain: 4096x4096
Supported Development Platforms: Windows PC (should work with others)
Documentation: Link
Intended Platforms: Desktop, Console, VR
Important Notes:
There is support for UE5 and it works properly but be aware that the Demo map could look slightly different because of changes in the engine.