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Shader World : procedural landscape, ocean, foliage

PAID Plugin Constant Updates 5.0 $18 Shader World : procedural landscape, ocean, foliage V 1.9.55

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Shader World is currently the only GPU accelerated tool for procedural world generation available on the Unreal Engine marketplace.
The world is generated on GPU, the foliage (any spawnable) is generated on GPU. It means that you don't need a great CPU at all, and any entry level GPU would be enough (works on smartphone).

Shader World plugin is the most performant procedural landscape generator available on Unreal Engine Marketplace.
It allows the creation of infinite oceans and landscapes with fast iteration and instant feedback.
From world creation to the spawning of instanced mesh or actors, the toolset is entirely computed at runtime on GPU for unmatched performance, and high quality artist driven output.

Website : shader.world
Email: [email protected]

Twitter : twitter.com/ShaderWorldPlugin
Discord : discord.ShaderWorldPlugin

New! Shader World 1.3 Video Review !
Infinite Forest + Speeder Bike Demo : Demo Download

Youtube Introduction
Shader World 1.2 Video Review
Shader World 1.1 Heightmap Brush Teaser
Shader World 1.1 World Creation Live Stream

Technical Details​

Tested and compatible with : Windows 10, Mac (arm M1), iOS(IPad mini), Android (S9 OpenGL&Vulkan)

Documentation: Shader World Plugin - Documentation
Note: 5.0EA version on Github
Source: Github access after validation of ownership : Order ID+Epic username, or Question/Review(key symbol=Ownership)

  • World creation from a Material function and Blueprint Brushes : fast iteration, instant feedback
  • Modern Virtual HeightField as a Geometry clip map representation
  • Landscape data layers : runtime computed equivalent to traditional UE4 Landscape layers
  • Mesh and Actor spawning with custom density functions : GPU Driven, using Data layers
  • BP Brushes can write into landscape layers : Heightmap Brush demo writes flowmap
  • 16 Bits Heightmap import using a blueprint tool (raw/png 16bits)
  • Compatible with mobile (Android & iOS) and desktop devices (Windows & Mac)
  • Spawnable Meshes can enable collisions only at proximity for optimal performance
  • Replace Tessellation
  • Scalable Landscape Material: Clean and Commented, Manage Multi Biomes and feature performance options

Code Modules:
  • ShaderWorld, Type: Runtime

Number of Blueprints: 7
Number of C++ Classes: 4
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, Oculus, PS4, Xbox One, Steam VR, Gear VR

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