- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/snack-pack-vol

1 Peanut Butter Chocolate Twin Bar
1 Small bag Classic Potato Chips
1 Small bag Spicy Hot Potato Chips
1 Small bag Honey BBQ Potato Chips
1 Box of Beer
1 Can of Beer
1 Floor Block for presentation
1 Box of Sugary Green Soda (Gamma)
1 Chocolate Wafer Crisp Candy Bar (Lit Lit)
1 Large Bag of Classic Potato Chips
1 Snack Crate
1 Snack Crate Lid
1 Can of Gamma Soda Pop
1 Bag of Espresso Ground Coffee
1 Bag of Legacy Coffee Ground
1 Tall Can of Original Wafer Chips
1 Tall Can of Sour Cream Wafer Chips
1 Can of Origin Nuts and Dried Fruit
1 Small package of Orange berry gum
1 Pack of Universe Gum Horizon Berry
Technical Details:
- 20 Meshes
- High quality Texture sets - all 2048
- Optimized for games but also used for arch viz
- Fully detailed models from all sides
- Free of all legal issues; everything is custom
- Channel packed Metallic | Roughness | Ambient Occlusion
- SM_ChipClassic_01a: 287
- SM_ChipsFlaminHot_01a: 287
- SM_ChipsHoneyBBQ_01a: 287
- SM_ClausBierBeer_01a: 726
- SM_ClausBierCan_01a: 1093
- SM_FloorBlock_01a: 88
- SM_GammaBox_01a: 726
- SM_LitLit_01a: 726
- SM_PotatoChipBagLarge_01a: 286
- SM_SnackCrate_01a: 1953
- SM_SnackLid_01a: 1666
- SM_SodaPop_01a: 1093
- SM_WaferCrisps_01a: 1473
- SM_WaferSourcream_01a: 1473
- SM_TwinBar_01a: 415
- SM_Coffeebag_01a: 1064
- SM_Coffeebag_02a: 1064
- SM_GummiOrange_01a: 1247
- SM_UniverseGum_01a: 524
- SM_MixedNuts_01a: 983
LODs: Base LOD only
Numbers of Meshes: 20
Number of Materials and Instances: 20
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Built Platforms: Window/Mac/PS4/Xbox
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bzg27IwJc3cvgDFOilCdz4j_wfthAirf80oGwJXX4K8/edit?usp=sharing