- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/ballcontrol

BallControl = preview click here
Position System with Animation (Soon)
New Ball Physics and Ball Passes (Soon)
Game Logic:
Soccer Player: Full control.
BallControl: Beta
TeamMates: Beta
AI: check the videos
Target Kick: Red Target
Target Pass: Pass Target
Crossing: Limited for now! will have updates
Kick AI: bicycle goal
Ball: Own Physics, self-Direction
Camera: Full Control
- Controls the Player = Left Analog
- Camera Zoom = Right Analog, Top, or Down
- Kick = Square
- Run = R1
- Controls the Player = W, S, A, D
- Pass = [E]
- Kick = [Space].
- Run = [Left Shift]
- Show TeamMates Debug = [Tab]
- Camera Rotation = [Num 8] [Num 2] [Numb 4] [Numb 6]
- Slow Motion = [-] or [+]
- Reset Scene = [Left Ctrl]
1. Camera Zoom = Scroll Wheel.
2. Camera Position and Rotation = Preview
Rigged to Epic skeleton: (Yes)
Animated: (Yes)
Number of Characters: 1
Number of Animations: 35
Animation (Root Motion)
Platforms: (Windows)
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