- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/stylized-log-cabin

A stylized log cabin of high quality, fully modular.
A coniferous forest, shrubs and rocks.
Technical Details:
Landscape / Foliage
- Landscape Material - 3 layers (Grass, Dirt, Rock)
- Trees - 3 (4 material variables)
- Grass - 1 (4 material variables)
- Bush - 2 (4 material variables)
- Rock - 6 (2 material variables)
- It comes with a post-processing effect, to make the scene more beautiful. (Comparison between the last two images)
Meshes: 55
Blueprints: 18
Collision: Yes
Vertex Count: 2 - 39k
LODs: Yes
Materials/Material Instances: 10/26
Textures: 38
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096
Supported: Discord