- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/topdown-rpg-template

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Check the Documentation and the Forum to have more infos.
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Have you always wanted to create a TopDown RPG ? Then this product is made for you !
TopDown RPG Template offers you lots of features to create such games :
- Stats for Player and Enemies (Resistances, Attributes, Speed, States)
- Inventory and Equipment with Item handling (Chest, ...)
- Unlockables Skills, stored in Skill Sets
- Spells
- Modifiers and effects you can use to modify Stats or damage an Actor over time
- Level Travelling
- A multiplayer mode
- Save/Load system to save Player
- Merchants (new in V2)
- Craft (new in V2)
- And much more...
Technical Details
Current Version : 2.1Features:
- Item handling (Inventory, Chests, Equipment)
- Weapon, Spells, Damages, Modifiers and Effects
- Stats, Skills and XP/Levelling
- Multiplayer, Save/Load system for the Player, Level travelling
- Nearly everything is made with ActorComponents, for more modularity
- Most of the features use a Data driven approach (Data Tables)
Input: Keyboard and Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Documentation: Documentation
Important/Additional Notes:
- You need to activate the EQS feature in the engine
- Don't hesitate to contect me if you experience any bug : join the Discord server