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Action jRPG Template

PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Action jRPG Template LAST VERSION

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Sample Project: Link (Requires this template)
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Facebook Page: Link

Turn-Based Version: Link

UI images were taken from:
Battle animations were re-targeted from Paragon Greystone animations

Technical Details​

This template supports multiplayer ONLY for the battles and not for the explore mode. Meaning that the explore mode, where you walk in the town, talk to NPCs, accept quests, interact with environment, craft items, etc are single player only. However, you can host battles (Coop or PvP) where you can play with / against other players.

  • 100% Blueprints​
  • Explore / Battle on same map​
  • Control different units anytime​
  • Melee, range & magic combat​
  • Melee hit detection & projectiles​
  • Coop & PvP battles​
  • Dodge and miss logic​
  • Targeting system​
  • Generic AI that can use skills​
  • Battle transitions​
  • Battle boundaries effect​
  • Equipment system​
  • Different mesh depending on equipment​
  • Combo system​
  • Different attack animations based on weapon​
  • Quest system​
  • Crafting system​
  • Stats and leveling system​
  • Supportive & offensive skills​
  • Target & area skills​
  • Usable items​
  • Boss fights​
  • Save / Load feature​
  • Interactables​
  • Item buy / sell vendor​
  • Console support​
  • Fully functional UI​
  • Time Warp effect is included​
  • Compatible with Conversation2D Plugin​

Number of Blueprints: 212
Input: Keyboard, Mouse, Console Gamepads
Network Replicated: Partially
Supported Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, PS, Xbox
Supported Target Platforms: Windows, Mac, PS, Xbox​
  • Love
Reactions: ultimategames

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