1.1 Update + Tutorials Vid
Update-notes and Upcoming
Product Updated to 1.1
Video Added on the Playlist on how to enable EQS in order to Activate Covers when adding the Updated Project from the VaultCache
If you get an error when the editor is Opened go on
Edit -- Editor Preferences --
In general tab go on Experimental and Activate "Environment Querying System"
And Reopen the Project Now Covers Will work as intended.
***the AI kit will become a full Stealth Game Template***
Hello Ladies and gentleman
The System is Entirely Made in Blueprints 100%
While the main focus of this project is on the AI, there has been an extensive code implemented in the Player as well, with Hacking function, Disguise Functions, Destroying and Dragging Bodies, an Experimental Night Vision and a few more things In the future I will slowly make a Transition of this Kit to fully functional Stealth Template Kit to create any kind of Stealth Game.
The AI has Different States and Sub states and Almost every single thing can be configured as you desire
You can Configure Pretty much everything on the AI and you can Also have Custom Presets via Child Blueprints
You are free to modify everything as your heart desires. just leave a mention in the credits if you want !
for any Sale question or Problems you cant figure out , be sure to send me an Email at: [email protected]
Technical Details
Features:- AI Climb/Vault/Crouch
- AI Dynamically Generated Covers V1.1
- AI Search/Idle/Patrol/Hostile and Alerted Sub State
- AI Can Throw Grenades and FlashBangs
- AI Can Detect Deadbodies and Alert other AI's
- Area Alert/Trigger via Radius or Boxes
- Custom Perception Update System Ran Via tick to handle Disguise/SightRange/Visibility
- AI Can detect Player in Light/Darkness Via % of Visibility Parameters and Proximity Parameters
- AI Can sense Sight/Hearing/Damage/Touch
- Alarm System Via Doors/Cameras/Turrets
- Player can Hack Turrets and Cameras and Drones
- Player Controlled Drone can Hack panels, Tag Targets, Shoot, self destruct and more
- Player can Pickup Disguises, Throw Distractions, Drag and Hide or Destroy Bodies
- AI Can Navigate in Airducts
- Patrol Can be configured to Play Animations on Points
- AI Can Play Voice lines
- And Much More..
2 Maps
56 Blueprints for (AI, Character, GeneralFeatures, Alarms/Cameras/Turret/Drone, Patrol, Search)
1 MasterBlueprint for AI
4 ExampleChildBlueprints for AI
1 Controller BP
1 AI Blackboard
1 AI Behaviour Tree
1 Blueprint Decorator
4 Blueprint Services
14 Blueprint Tasks
3 Enumerators
23 Example Voicelines
Input: (Keyboard, Mouse)
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms: (PC)
Supported Target Build Platforms: (PC)
Documentation: (Youtube Playlist and PDF Doc)