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USK: Inventory And Weapon

PREMIUM Asset 4.26 USK: Inventory And Weapon LAST VERSION

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USK Showcase Video | Playable Demo | Documentation
This asset is a part of the Ultimate Shooter Kit.
It's highly recommended to have at least the basic knowledge of blueprints to use this asset. This is not a plug-and-play system. Otherwise, it might be confusing working with it.
USK: Inventory And Weapon system is a Third/True First Person and replicated shooter template with modular design and tons of configurable options. You can create any type of items, weapons, and throwables with an expandable inventory, equipment, and item component. It also has IK-driven Aimdownsights and much more with configurable shooting settings.

Technical Details​

Input: Keyboard
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms:
Supported Target Build Platforms: All
Important/Additional Notes: Attachment System And Ultimate Menu System Is NOT Included In This Asset. Check out Ultimate Shooter Kit If You Need A Complete Project.

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