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Inventory System

PREMIUM Asset 4.27 4.26 Inventory System LAST VERSION

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This asset adds inventory, personal storage and items to your game. Easy to use and documented with comments, this asset can be easily and completely customized and it can also be integred into your game without having to change.

Recommended for solo/coop game, loot is replicated. This asset is ready to be integrated into your game.

Technical Details​

List of features :
  • Easily customizable.
  • Easily add new item with Datatable.
  • Inventory & Personal storage system.
  • Examine Item.
  • Combine Item.
  • Quick slot (Can be easily disabled).
  • Drag & Drop (Can split items with LeftShift).
  • Pick-Up, Drop, Equip, Shoot, etc (Replicated).
  • Notification of the received item & interact.
  • Clean Blueprint with comments.
  • Optimized.

Technical Details :
  • Number of Function Library: 1
  • Number of Controller: 1
  • Number of Character Blueprint: 1
  • Number of Game Mode Blueprint: 1
  • Number of Blueprint: 10
  • Number of Component: 2
  • Number of Widget Blueprint: 17
  • Number of Save Game Blueprint: 1
  • Number of Structure: 10
  • Number of Enumeration: 7
  • Number of Textures: 51
  • Number of Materials: 22
  • Number of Wave: 8
  • Number of Cue: 6
  • Number of Skeletal Mesh: 3
  • Number of Static Mesh: 18

The weapon and door system are only there as an example but can be used and improved.

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