You can use this project as a sample to learn, or show it to your client as a demo, or build your own VR interactive application with function like: changing material, switching color, grab object, toggle light. The project is 100% Blueprint.
- Changing material
- Switching color
- Grabbing object
- Toggling light
- Using line tracing to interact
- Include Tutorial Document to help you add these functions to your own models.
Recommend furniture asset pack to use with VR here
Support email: [email protected]
Props scaled to Epic skeleton: YES
Texture Size:
- 256x32 [1]
- 128x128 [4]
- 256x256 [16]
- 512x512 [8]
- 1024x1024 [50]
- 2048x2048 [24]
- 4096x1024[1]
- 4096x4096 [10]
- 8192x2048 [1]
Collision: Some certain object
Vertex Count: 16 - 34908
LODs: Some certain object
Number of Meshes: 145
Number of Materials: 31
Material Instances: 118
Number of Textures: 115
Supported Platforms: Desktop 64 bit for HTC VIVE
Important Notes:
- Only need Right controller (right hand) to work at a time, if you turn on both controllers, only one will be able to interact with the scene.
- Only work with HTC VIVE. (To work with OCULUS RIFT, you need to change the eye level and button mapping)
- Images used are from Pixabay.com which is FREE FOR COMMERCIAL USE.
- If Unreal ask you to change the project's name into a shorter name, just simply change the .uproject file's name.
- 4.24 : Make sure you use the "Default bindings for VIVE" (in SteamVR Input)