- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/widget-function-library

The Widget Function Library adds 400+ functions to UMGs which bring completely new features or simplify working with widget styles and slots.
The library adds completely new features such as the Widget Timeline node, the For Each Child Widget node and the Widget Construct Object node.
Working with widget slots is also improved by providing direct functions to call slot functions on widget variables. This eliminates the need for getting a widget as a slot, checking for its validity and finally calling a function. Cast functions are also available for directly casting to a slot instead of getting a widget as a slot and checking for validity.
The library also improves dealing with widget styles at runtime. Instead of having to work with the widget style structs, dedicated functions can be used to customise the look of widgets.
Technical Details
Features:- UMG Timeline node
- For Each Child Widget Node
- Construct Widget Object Node
- Utilities Functions
- Widget Style Nodes
- Cast Slot Nodes
- Widget Slots Nodes
- Widget Function Library
- Widget Function Library Editor
Number of C++ Classes: 29
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Android
Documentation: Documentation, Discord