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Widget Studio

PRO Plugin 4.27 4.26 Widget Studio 1.1 + SAMPLE

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There is a need to build interfaces for almost every project. It can become challenging to maintain the various interfaces when they are all implemented differently. Widget Studio can minimize the time spent creating, updating, and maintaining user interfaces design throughout projects by optimizing workflow functionality.

Setting up an Editor Utility Widget with Widget Studio
Widget Studio Runtime Demo

Runtime Demo

Widget Studio Installation and Usage Documentation

Technical Details​

  • Create amazing looking UI's in minutes
  • Built-in animations
  • Extensive Blueprint Function Library
  • User extendable
  • Usable anywhere UMG is accepted
  • Modernly Style Widgets (Button, Card, Check Box, Combo Box, Progress Bar, Slider, Switch, Tab Bar, Text Field)
  • Utility Widgets (Button Group, Divider)
  • Global Widget Theming (Color Palette, Typography, Icon Set)

Code Modules:
  • WidgetStudioEditor (Editor)
  • WidgetStudioRuntime (Runtime)

Number of Blueprints:
  • Widget Blueprints: 12
  • Example Blueprints: 27

Number of C++ Classes: 31
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows 10 64-bit
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows 10 64-bit
Documentation: Widget Studio Installation and Usage Documentation
Important/Additional Notes:
  • Like
Reactions: Gamezz77
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