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WorldScape Plugin - Make planets and infinite worlds

PRO Plugin 4.27 WorldScape Plugin - Make planets and infinite worlds VERSION 2.3.0

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NotePatch : Update 2.3.0 (Publish 11/12/2021) :​

Update 2.3.0 :

If you have made custom noise, there is another minor breaking change with noise parameters.

Noise now have access to the current data from the planetary heightmap Major Change :

  • Planetary Height Map : Ability to use Hugemap on an entire planet, with different blend mode with the noise (Normal (Linear Interpolation) , Additional and subtract), also allow noise to be based on the planetary heightmap.
  • (experimental) Foliage Actor : Foliage can now spawn custom blueprint instead of just being an instanced mesh, however, be careful for performance cost !
Addition :

  • Added sampling node choice : Bi-linear (previous default), Nearest (simply take the value of the pixel without interpolation) and Bicubic (slowest but smooth).
Bug Fix :

  • Rotation on planet will no longer offset the generated position or cause weird glitch.
Know Issues :

  • There is know bug with foliage on UE5, there is investigation at the moment, we will publish a fix in the upcoming days/weeks (it could also very much be an UE5 issue)
Update 2.0.0 :

Breaking Change:

- Renamed "AHeightMapInfluencer" class to "AHeightMapVolume" and "UHeightMapInfluencerData" class to "UHeightMapVolumeData"
it will break your current work with these actor/assets. You should either keep the parameter on sides or prepare class redirect.

Major Change :
- Complete change to the way noise is handled, Noise can now be make as an assets, allow to easily have multiple different noise in project, if you have customised and change the noise, you may want to send a message to Plexus, to help your port your actual noise to the new system.
- Update Material handling :
Add function to easily update the Planet Material without having to regenerate it.
a way to handle multiple material based on the currently used LoD.

Addition :
- Added Noise Volume (Overwrite noise generation in a volume).
- Added Foliage Mask Volume.
- Heightmap, Noise and Foliage volume now have an "Align to planet" boolean, to ease the placement of volume on the planet.
- NoiseData should now be readable in blueprint, except for Height and Heightnormalize.
- 2 new Blueprint functions for getting Noise Height and Noise Height Normalized (GetHeight and GetHeightNormalize) as well as their ground variant (GetGroundHeight & GetGroundHeightNormalize)
- 2 new Blueprint functions for updating the material of terrain in runtime : UpdateTerrainMaterial & UpdateOceanMaterial
- Boolean to generate Collision for all player

Bug Fix :
- Fix Build issues with UFunction Categories.
- Fix Build Error for UE 5.
- WorldScapeNoise can now be casted in blueprint .
- Fix HMI East border having the other border height.
- Fix Collision sometime not working.
- Fix BoundScale so you can focus on planet

Misc :
- Added new module to plugin, moved a lot of files, so if you were building using the source, you will have to regenerate the project files
- Seed add a small offset to the generation position, allowing a bit more variety (FlatWorld)
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