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  1. Melaro

    PRO Asset 4.26 AFExtension - Arch Viz - VR, Desktop & Mobile LAST VERSION

    Trailer Videos & Tutorials Documentation Website If you require support regarding the framework, join our Discord channel with 1000+ active developers. (You can verify your discord account by sending me (Amsel) a direct message with your invoice of your purchase.) Very important! This pack is...
  2. Melaro

    PAID DISCOUNT Asset $15 Advanced Framework VR Mobile Desktop 4.1

    Trailer Videos & Tutorials Documentation Website If you require support regarding the framework, join our Discord channel with 1000+ active developers. (You can verify your discord account by sending me (Amsel) a direct message with your invoice of your purchase.) The Advanced...
  3. Gamezz77

    FREE Asset 4.26 4.25 4.24 Sharur's Lost Monastery Ruins LAST VERSION

    Lost Monastery Ruins contains 91 modular assets, including: towers, tower bridges, cliffs (with vertex paint shader and adjustable texture shader), basalt columns, grass, flowers, wood planks, rocks, ground pebbles, two water shaders with vertex wave animation, decals and a two fog types...
  4. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.26 Survival Gear LAST VERSION

    These are high quality current-gen PBR assets designed for first or third person games. Package contains survival knife, folding shovel, compass, canteen, emergency radio, map, lighter, flashlight, sleeping bag, first aid kit, canned foods, hand axe, MREs, tent, picnic table. Textures are...
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