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  1. mabgi09

    PREMIUM Asset 5.4 Realistic Assault Rifle Template 2025-01-08

    Description Try out the FREE Demo Here Watch the Trailer Here Check out all of the content and features before deciding if this template is the right fit for you! Do keep in mind that every setting in the project is fully customizable to your liking. What Makes This SPECIAL? Let’s go...
  2. Melaro

    PREMIUM Asset 4.26 Ultimate Shooter Kit 2.0

    Showcase Video | Playable Demo | Documentation Ultimate Menu System Is Included In This Asset. Inventory And Weapon System Is Included In This Asset. It's highly recommended to have at least the basic knowledge of blueprints to use this asset. This is not a plug-and-play system. Otherwise, it...
  3. Melaro

    PRO Asset 5.3 Third Person Shooter Kit v2.1 V2.1.5

    <br/><br/><p><strong>Update 2.1 is available now!</strong> More updates and tutorials will be released throughout 2024.</p><p><br /></p><p><strong>TPS Kit v2.1 update trailer: </strong><a href="https://youtu.be/Bw_8a2cBvPQ" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Link</strong></a></p><p><br...
  4. Melaro

    FREE Asset 4.25 Competitive Shooter HUD LAST VERSION

    [Preview Video] [Free Demo] [PDF Documentation] [Training Videos] [Pro HUD Integration] Competitive Shooter HUD is a gameplay HUD UI pack and consists of a wide range of effective HUD features typical for first person shooters. In addition to a number of effects such as achievements, medals...
  5. Melaro

    FREE Asset 5.3 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.25 Ultimate Shooter Kit 2024-01-14

    <br/><br/><p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weEX6fjKyUU" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Showcase Video</strong></a><strong> | </strong><a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZH_yUrM8xFbjd84hFGRRZS5yJjWXaGAF/view?usp=sharing" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Playable...
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