- Marketplace Link
- https://marketplace.online-leaks.com/product/ultimate-shooter-kit

Showcase Video | Playable Demo | Documentation
Ultimate Menu System Is Included In This Asset.
Inventory And Weapon System Is Included In This Asset.
It's highly recommended to have at least the basic knowledge of blueprints to use this asset. This is not a plug-and-play system. Otherwise, it might be confusing working with it.
Ultimate Shooter Kit is a multi-player-ready shooter template with lots of features. It comes with the Ultimate Menu System. The main target is keeping the whole system developer and user-friendly. All of the blueprints are completely rewritten and organized well with version 2.0.
It's using one single body mesh for Third-Person and True-First-Person perspectives. Custom camera manager allows you to switch between them dynamically at runtime.
You can create any type of items, weapons, and throwables with an expandable inventory, equipment, and item component.
Technical Details
Input: Keyboard, MouseNetwork Replicated: Yes (Some Of The Cosmetics Are Only For Owning Client)
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Important/Additional Notes: